Monday, January 7, 2013

Love at Home

I'm going to brag for just a bit.

My kids were SO GOOD yesterday!  I think a lot of it was the switch to morning church (hallelujah!!!), but they all sat quietly through sacrament meeting.  Even Ryder didn't have to be taken out!  And this with us not providing snacks for them!  (That was on purpose, actually-- I'd warned them that with morning church I no longer felt that they would need snacks, so they'd better eat a good breakfast.  And they did!)  After church, we ate lunch together (um, except Craig, the lone person fasting), and then Ryder and I took naps while Craig played with Bentley and Kendra.  And he reported that they had an absolutely delightful time, playing Go Fish, having a talent show, and playing pictionary!

Seriously, it was like roses were blooming beneath our feet or something!

We certainly have good times in our home, but entire days like this are a bit on the rare side, so I want to document that they are possible!  Even for us.  Especially for us, I guess.

I wish I could put my finger on what it was that made this happen so then I could keep repeating it.  I doubt it's any one thing or that it's that simple.  But gosh darn it, I'll keep trying to recreate this bliss for the rest of my life, if I have to!

We really can have a happy home!


Anne said...

It's funny. Our Sunday was so much better with 11:00 church. :) I was worried about it but it ended up being great! :)

Emily said...

Ugh, we switched to 1pm church and it was not a roses blooming love at home kind of day... hopefully it's not this painful all year! Glad it was a great day for you, though!

Vangie said...

Awww! I love these days! Glad that you were able to enjoy the kiddos and that you had a fabulous day!