Thursday, January 24, 2013

Lessons in Biology... And a Few Good Names.

Ryder woke up from his nap in a snuggly mood, so we spent quite a bit of time wrapped up in the electric blanket together while he sucked his thumb and I chatted with my friend.  It was a nice and cozy way to spend a very cold afternoon. 

At one point the subject of tummies came up, so he was pointing out both his tummy and mine.  I've been trying to get him to understand this whole baby-on-the-way thing, so I pointed to my tummy and asked, "Do you know why mommy's tummy is so big?" hoping I could get him to say "Baby"  (or, as he pronounces it, "Beebee").

Instead, he looked at me, smiled, and said triumphantly, "Daddy!"

Well, yes, I guess we could definitely blame Daddy for the current state of my tummy.  I think Ryder's a little young for that lesson just yet, though.

*     *     *     *     *

And I'll stop keeping you in suspense about names.  The name we've liked best for several months now (although we always point out that until he's born and we've seen him, we can change our minds at any time!) is...   Colton.

I like that name a lot.  I like how it sounds with Smith.  I like that it's not super common (any common name instantly becomes boring when you pair it with Smith), but I don't think it's weird, either.  And I like how it fits with our other kids' names.  ("Kyson" got bumped because it seemed too much like some hybrid of Ryder and Kendra; all names ending in "-ley" get bumped because they share too much in common with Bentley's name, etc, etc.  These things get so complicated!)

So that's our main bet for now-- Colton Smith.

It has a ring to it, right?*

We're not even close to deciding on a middle name yet, although ones we've been considering include Paul, Grant, William, and Wesley...  And Kendra has made the following suggestions: Strump, Looploop, and Glublub.  (She's had a few other doozies as well, but those are the only ones I remember.  I already feel bad for her future children.)

*Okay, okay, if you hate it, you can tell me.  I may or may not agree with you, but I suppose it's better to hear what I haven't thought of now, rather than after he's stuck with it...!


Anne said...

I really like Colton Smith. It sounds good and I like that it's not super common without being...well...Danger. :) I like Wesley as a middle name, although all your choices are nice. :) Maybe I'll try to call you back tomorrow. :)

Anne said...

Also, I really hope you don't get your comments on your phone, cause it's definitely the middle of the night...I fell asleep on the couch at 7:30 and am headed to bed now...but I got a little distracted... :)

Tracy said...

The friend you were chatting with must be awesome! :) Anyways, I love the name Colton, not that it really matters what I think. Although, Glublub has a certain ring to it....

Juliana said...

Love Colton! I agree, it has a nice balance of being less-common without bring weird. It will go great with the other family names too! And all the middle names ideas are winners.

There was a girl named (just) Colt in my sophomore ward. She was a red-head twin, a Freshman and I'm pretty sure went on to marry her AF model boyfriend the next summer. Lets not redo that name story...

Nancy said...

I like Colton a lot. And I'm picky about names. Like Kyson... I don't like that at all. :)
I taught a student named Colton DuShane and I always thought that was such a cool sounding name.

Emily said...

Love it! And oh, my, I'm in love with little Ryder, too! Just have him read this post when he's about 10 lol

Patrice said...

I already told you this, but I know you never listen to your father, so here it is again: middle name "45". Then he goes by Colt 45. Isn't that the coolest handle ever? (From Dad)

Erin said...

Your dad's comment made me laugh, because the first thing I think of when I read the name Colton is guns.

Vangie said...

Two thumbs up for Colton Smith! I like it!

Jen Evans said...

Colton: Yes. Strump: Triple yes.

delilas said...

Kate named Mariah Sand dunes before she was born so we called her that for fun after she was born.
Colton is not over used but a normal name unlike my name. lol Kendra is so fun, love that girl. :D