Monday, January 26, 2009

Guilty Pleasures

There are oodles of other things which I enjoy (like, say, chocolate), but these are the ones that cause me just a twinge of guilt…

1. Ritz Crackers with cream cheese. It’s probably the highest calorie food other than chocolate that I regularly indulge in.
2. Smallville. While I admit it isn’t nearly as witty as Buffy was, I sure do enjoy watching it! It’s also fun to see how many actors from Buffy surface in this show—so far I’ve managed to spot Spike, Tara’s cousin, Riley’s best friend, and a bunch of others!
3. Long, hot showers.
4. Afternoon naps. I very rarely manage to snag one these days, but when I do, they are heavenly! With our church time switching back to the mornings, Sunday afternoons have never looked better.
5. Letting the kids play for a few minutes in their rooms at the end of naptime while I (somewhat leisurely) enjoy finishing my lunch.
6. Having a nice, long chat on the phone, even though it’s using my minutes.
7. Locking the kids out while I use the bathroom. I figure I deserve that tiny bit of privacy.
8. Hitting the “Ignore” button on my phone when I get a call with an area code I don’t recognize. And then I won’t even listen to the message until after nine pm so it won’t use up my minutes, either! Take that, annoying phone solicitors!


Daniel said...

I suppose that explains why you NEVER ANSWER YOUR PHONE! (just kidding, I never call). Love the family photos.

Natalie R. said...

That sounds good to me!