Friday, January 2, 2009

New Tricks

So last week Bentley began doing something new: he would go and hide and then (drumroll please) take his pants off! And if we didn't notice he was missing soon enough, off would come the diaper, too! It's made life a bit more exciting, to say the least. Mostly I've been coping by leaving him in his pajamas or else putting him in overalls a lot since he can't get those off. This becomes especially problematic during naptime, when he's left unsupervised for so long. (I walked in the other day to find puddles on his floor-- ick, ick, ick!) Then yesterday, while Bentley was napping, Craig called me over to see Kendra who had ALSO taken her pants off! Craig laughed hysterically and commented that she is apparently learning from her brother. I'm hoping hoping hoping that it's just because those pants were a bit big on her. Please?

1 comment:

Laresa said...

Aren't kids just great? Well, yours certainly seem to be entertaining; at least hearing about them entertains me, lol. My mom also reads your blog and finds your kids adorable and your writing style is just great. Keep up the good work!