Thursday, March 12, 2009


The first thing about Bentley’s speaking these days, is that he suddenly is asking “Why” about everything. I’m not sure if he even understands what he’s asking or if it’s just fun to say because it keeps Mommy talking to him instead of doing other things. My favorite is when he asks why about something I’ve just said that he likes to do. Then I get to respond, “I don’t know. Why do you like doing that???” That usually stumps him!

The other day we were singing songs from nursery together. He likes all the usual ones—“Do as I’m Doing,” “The Wise Man Built His House upon the Rock,” etc. But my favorite that he sings is, “Icky Fidah! Icky Fidah!” (For those of you not sure, that’s “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.” Obviously.)

Recently when Bentley got hurt, I asked him if I should sing “Baby Mine” from Disney’s Dumbo to him. He said, “No. Baby song.” I explained to him that it was actually his song before it was ever the baby’s song, that I used to sing it to him when he was a tiny baby and couldn’t sleep (not that that ever seemed to help, but I tried). And now he suddenly loves it! He’ll ask me to sing it and then say, “Tiny Baby. No sleep!” I guess it's better to be appreciated late than not at all!

And last but not least, the other day we were eating pizza for dinner when Craig decided to casually lean back in his chair. Bentley frantically began to speak, realized he couldn’t with the big bite of pizza in his mouth, spit out the pizza and then hurriedly warned Craig, “Daddy! No fall down!” He looks out for his Daddy!

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

Grandma is SO glad that Bentley is watching out for his daddy. What a good kid. :0)