Thursday, March 12, 2009


Kendra finally has a first word! And if you read the title of this post, you probably already figured it out, but yes, the word is, “Uh oh.” (As my Dad pointed out, that’s two words!) The funny thing is that now that she’s mastered this word, she keeps trying to find ways to use it. I guess if I only had one word in my vocabulary I’d do the same thing (what is that story about how if you give a little boy a hammer, you’ll be amazed at how many things there are out there that need hammering?). Anyway, her favorite is just knocking anything over and yelling “Uh oh, UH OH!” But she also drops things off her high chair tray, and then at church on Sunday she slid slowly off my lap proclaiming “Uh oh” the entire way down. So she’s having fun with it!


Laresa said...

I love your blog and I vicariously adore your children.

Natalie R. said...

Cameron's comment: "Hey, that sounds just like Samuel!" And yes, Samuel definitely had his "let's find reasons to say 'uh-oh'" stage.