Saturday, August 4, 2018

Portrait Outtakes

As promised, here are a few of the funnier portraits...
Craig is pointing at something just so we'd look like that.  I actually like the picture, but deep down I know that it's cheesy as all get-out.  (The photographer did NOT tell us to do that--we're actually that dorky all on our own!)

I love Lindsy laughing here, but I'm sure she hates it
Craig is nervously eyeing that wave...  (Too bad, because the sunset behind us was GORGEOUS!)  He was right to be nervous, it totally got his knee wet!
There is so much I love about this picture.  But my favorite is that Bentley looks about ready to be in the next big boy band here.  Zoom in on him.  Go ahead and do it!  Eat your heart out, Justin Bieber!
Awesome jump, Bentley!  (I TOLD you it was hard to get everyone to jump at the same time!)

Um, who's that guy behind us?
(I recognize that kid back there!)

Leave it to a youngest child to stand RIGHT in FRONT of his own father!

And last, but certainly not least, I give you this:
This was when my hair blew right into my eye.  Classic.  Craig looks adorable, though!

It makes me think of this Lucille Bluth gif:Image result for lucille bluth gif

And, of course, Michael's response, "How can I get you to never make THAT face again?"

Me and Lucille Bluth, soul sisters!

1 comment:

)en said...

These are the best! Laughing at you guys doing the cheese pose on your own. Your photog’s like, “uhhhmmm, please don’t make me take this.” But the real gem is, yes, that last one. 😂😂 Your face is soooo goood. You know I’d be inclined to put that one up on the wall but I know that’s just me. 😄