Tuesday, October 29, 2019


This fall Bentley decided to join his school's cross country team.  He was a bit appalled when he realized that he was the only 8th grader on the team AND the only male, but he enjoyed the running so much he stuck with it despite feeling like the odd-man-out (or should I say, "only man out"?).  It was too hot to run outside for most of the season, so the coaches just had them run laps in the hallways which was pretty fun for the kids, honestly.  So he liked it.  The kid is a natural runner-- he never gets tired!  So this seemed like a good fit for him!

They had one meet at the end of the season with all the schools and one race for each gender.  I had to stay home with the kids who had piano lessons at that time, but Craig went and documented the whole thing very well:

All ready to go!
See him in the middle there?  To the left of the kid crouching down and wearing an orange bandana...
And they're off!
Go, Bentley, go!

Still smiling!

He finished in the top half, so we were pretty proud of him!  I guess we'll see if he's still interested enough to join the track team in the spring?

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