Tuesday, October 5, 2021

October Autumn

We are hitting the ground running this month!  On the first day of October, I had scheduled a doctor's appointment for Camille (she has a small lump on her eyelid that isn't going away), but when Ryder fell off the swings the day before and his arm still hurt the next morning, I managed to get him in at the same time as Camille so the doctor could confirm our suspicions: he'd broken his wrist.  (Womp, womp.)  The good news is that it's a pretty simple buckle fracture, so all he needs is a splint for 3 weeks and then he should be good as new.  Just wearing it in the splint he felt better almost immediately!  So yay for young bones that heal quickly!  This is the first time one of our kids has broken a bone, so that's kind of crazy.

(And the doctor didn't know what to make of Camille's eyelid and referred us to an ophthalmologist.)

Waiting to get an x-ray
I finally bit the bullet and agreed to lead another FiA workout.  I knew I'd be kayaking later in the morning, so I made heavily focused the workout on leg and cardio exercises.  Everyone wanted to kill me.  But the joke was on me-- instead of working hard kayaking up the James River, we ended up just paddling around Walnut Creek, so I definitely didn't need to "save" my arms for that!  Oh, well.  It's still good to work those leg muscles!
It is HARD to take group selfies in the dark!

And we're still enjoying kayaking!

Pretty sunrise as I wait for the bus to pick up my elementary school kids!

This is Craig with Megan and Melissa, who he worked with his first year at Albemarle High School.  Megan is his boss now, and Melissa had popped by to help with testing, so they were excited to have this little reunion!

Ryder and Owen and a mystery kid (?) at recess. (One of the perks of having two of my neighbors work at my kids' school is that I get little glimpses of what they get up to at school!  Thanks for this one, Ginna!)

We also celebrated Grandpa's birthday!  We had a yummy dinner at Taste of China and then the big kids played a game that Grandpa brought while I put the little kids to bed (as you can see, Ryder just barely managed to eek himself into the Big Kids category!

1 comment:

Patrice said...

Good for Ryder! Happy Birthday Tom! Love the sunset and all the other pics. Fun that Craig had a mini reunion. I'm glad he is enjoying his new job!!