Saturday, January 8, 2022

48 Hours in Marietta

On the Monday after Christmas we spent all morning packing and doing laundry and tidying up, I had a dentist appointment, and then we drove to Marietta to visit Rachael and family!  It's not a bad 5-hour drive, and we arrived not too late for dinner!  

It was a very quick trip, but we got a lot done-- I brought ALL my baby girl clothes to Rachael and we sorted them all out, so that was great.  (Who knew that baby clothes styles could change so much since Kendra was born 14 years ago?)  I had so much stuff and it was so nice to get rid of it all!  While we did that, Craig helped Ian put together the bunk beds they'd gotten for their boys.  And then that evening Ian was super nice and looked at my ridiculous case of athlete's foot that I've been ignoring for... um...  way too long now.  The next day I babysat for Rachael while she had her doctor's appointment and took Nolan to the dentist.  So everyone got a lot of great help from everyone else!

Unfortunately, I hardly took any pictures, but we did get these two:

That's Clayton on my lap, and Harrison snuggled between me and the couch.  I do love the book Are You My Mother?-- such a classic!

You'd think I would remember to not do selfies looking down!  I do enjoy that the balloons being held up by a string behind Ian make it look like he might have antennae!  

We had dinner all together and then headed home!  It made for a late night, but that was kind of nice-- the kids played on their tablets for half the drive, and then after we stopped for gas and switched drivers we told them to go to sleep.  Everyone was very happy to climb into their beds when we got home!

It's always so nice getting to visit with the Aveytuas!!!

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