Monday, March 29, 2010


This is me enjoying stuff that won't happen in a few years:

1) A few weeks ago, Bentley had to say the closing prayer in primary. I told him I would come and be there for him, just in case he needed my help. So I got there way too early and stood quietly in the back waiting until it was time for closing exercises. Shortly after that, Bentley turned around and saw me and proceeded to smile and wave at me as if my showing up were the most exciting thing he'd ever experienced in his young life. It made my day.

2) All day today, Craig has been putting up drywall in the rec room. He covered up the doorway to the laundry room, and then cut the hole for the door. When he had finished doing this, Bentley exclaimed, "Oh, wow, Daddy, you made Mommy's door for her! You can do ANYTHING!" Daddy = Superman. I love it.

3) Yesterday, I wore my black, knee-high boots to church. Craig wasn't a fan of the boots, but Kendra patted them gently and said that she liked them. I had to leave early, so Craig got the kids all dressed after I had left. Apparently Kendra dragged Bentley's large rubber fireman's boots out of the coat closet and wanted to wear boots, too. Just like Mommy.

I'm pretty sure nothing like this will happen once the kids are old enough to be embarrassed by us. So this is me savoring the brief time when Bentley and Kendra think that Craig and I are really cool.


Liz said...

You have black, knee-high boots?? And you wear them to CHURCH?? :)

Natalie R. said...

That's awesome, I'm glad your kids know just how cool you both are, and I'm sure they'll never ever be embarrassed by their parents. Next thing you're going to be telling me that some of us were ever embarrassed by our parents! Sheesh, what an idea... Tracy will definitely tell you that she was never embarrassed by them. ;0)

Nicole said...

oh but you ARE really cool. you studied humanities, after all. and everyone knows that only the super cool people care about victorian art. :)

(p.s. what is wrong with black knee-high boots? it's not like they're thigh-highs or anything...)

Mary Gray said...

Ah, I love that. I think Craig should have let Bentley wear those boots. In fact, you should tell Craig he's way behind cuz I think your entire family should show up at church wearing boots.

Andrea said...

Well, I think you're cool and I'm old, so maybe they will think you're back in the cool category when they're a lot older!

Loved this post BTW.

Tracy said...

I personally loved the boots.

Jenny said...

Thanks for inviting me to view your blog! It's great to see what you and your family is up to.

You're right, all too soon, your kids will be embarrassed by you or at least won't think you're the greatest person on earth like they do now, so soak it in while you can! But hopefully after those few years, they'll once again realize what a great mom (and dad) they have...