Saturday, March 27, 2010


When I got home from Seattle, Craig informed me that not only had he and the kids missed me, the house had missed me, too!

"It was weird," he explained, "the dishes weren't clean when I came home, the laundry didn't just do itself and get put away. Weird, huh?"

It's nice to be appreciated. And missed a little.

It's good to be home, too, although I wish I could have somehow wrapped up my entire family (Hogans, Pooleys, pregnant sisters, spouses, and everybody!) and brought them all home with me. That would have made home much more home. A bit crowded, I suppose, but we would have managed somehow.

Now that I'm talking about it, I have to say that this last weekend was jam packed with way too many emotions for me. So much of it was so sad, and I cried more during those two days than I have in years. But at the same time it was really nice to be with all my sisters again. And I'll admit-- it was kind of nice to have a break from the kids. This was my first time being away from both of them overnight. It's a weird feeling to be able to walk out the door without checking everyone's shoes and jackets and extra diapers and carrying small people with me everywhere I go. It was very liberating. But I also missed them terribly. I missed Craig even more-- probably because he's loads more fun than the kids, but without any of the work! It was good to be with the Hogans again, too, but every time I saw any women who were tall with shorter hair, I would think for a split second that it was Janine, and then my heart would have to do that sad awful twist of realization. That was hard every time. I imagine that feeling won't go away any time soon.

I think my favorite quote from the entire weekend was Jeff's comment that it didn't feel like family was here until the Bentleys arrived. I'm glad we're the Hogans extra family, and I'm glad we could be there for them. I hope we can continue to be there for them.

It's good to be surrounded by family, for sad occasions and happy ones.

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

I agree with you about having tons of emotions last weekend. I'm really glad that we were all able to be there, and like you said, it's always good to see friends and family again.