Monday, March 29, 2010


Does anyone else find it vaguely creepy when people you don't know and who don't have a profile picture try to add you as their friend on facebook?

I'm pretty sure I've never known a James Hornor in my life... Right?

So the real question, then: is this just spam, or is some poor guy named James Hornor dreadfully confused?


Shaun R. said...

You don't remember James Hornor? He was in that thing with you way back when that one time. He always used to do that one thing.

Alanna said...

No, no, Shaun-- I'm pretty sure that that was James Feezor! James Hornor was probably the guy who did that other thing at that one church thing.

What a loony.

Natalie R. said...

Actually, you're lucky!! James Horner - the guy who did the music for Avatar, Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Zorro, Titanic, Troy, and tons of other movies - wants to be your friend!! You should totally accept him, maybe he'll give you some free CDs or something.

Admittedly, though, it is kind of weird that he spelled his last name wrong...

Nancy said...

I also don't like friend requests from random people I went to elementary school with, vaguely remember, and give me attitude because I don't remember them and instantly accept their friend requests.

Nicole said...

ha. i was just about to make the james horner joke, but nafnaf beat me to it. darn her.

Andrea said...

If you have "friends in common" then ask one of them if they know who it is (I've had to do this before with some random guy I worked at McD's with like 20 years ago. Needless to say, we're not "friends").

No friends in common? Then probably spam.