Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Calm After the Storm

Last week, I felt like I was being pulled apart in every direction and letting everyone down. I had oodles of visitors coming, but I couldn't keep track of who was coming or which days they were staying for. I had an activity to plan for Young Women's and no time when I could meet with my advisor to plan it. I had visiting teaching appointments that I wasn't sure I'd be able to stay awake for. And a house I desperately needed to get clean. And instead of doing any of those things, I was driving to Ikea to buy a lamp and another baby gate (not that I ever mind a trip to Ikea, but it is very time consuming!). I felt like I couldn't get anything done.

Which is why I didn't manage to blog at all.

Yesterday and today, I am feeling more on top of things. And it's a lovely feeling.

Not that my house is so clean, but it was clean when the majority of my visitors arrived (sorry, Natalie, you're the only one who got the shaft on that one!). And even though most of them will be returning in the next day or two, I don't feel the need to have it ΓΌber-clean again. Sure, I'll probably vacuum before they show up. But I won't dust this time!

Yesterday, I got up, ran 3.4 miles with my friend, showered, said farewell to my sister and her two kids (who will be coming back tonight-- yay!), started the roomba running upstairs, started a load of clothes in the wash, made dinner in the crock pot, and even had the kids dressed and fed before my friend came over to finalize plans for the Young Women's activity. I managed to hit Costco and also pick up some extra bread that my Relief Society president was giving away. I found time to get a quick nap, and read my book for a few minutes before Craig came home. And I think the young women all had fun playing our version of Family Feud.

Big sigh of relief!

It's funny how just getting up and getting stuff done makes you feel so much better! Today, I feel like I can drive around and appreciate the fall leaves some more (aren't they spectacular this year?). And, also important, I can get around to blogging.

Today is going to be a good day.

And it probably doesn't hurt that my sister offered to get us Cafe Rio tonight!

Halloween pictures and cousin pictures coming up soon!

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