Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ryder: the stats

Ryder had his check-up today. And he's a bit of a shrimp. But we love him anyway! Here goes:

Height: 28.75" (18.33%)
Weight: 20 lbs (11.89%)
Head size: 51.4%

Make that a shrimp with a decent-sized head.

He also had five shots. FIVE! Usually I try to keep it to three at a time, and my doctor has been very nice about that. But the idea of trying to explain all this with no voice (I've been whispering all day and it sucks-- I actually had to pound the wall to convince Kendra to put her socks on this morning!) and then being rewarded for my efforts by having to come back again for the rest of them was more than I could bear. So he got all five. Poor Ryder! He was pretty hysterical as it was happening; in the middle of it, he was so upset he actually wouldn't breathe. I learned a neat trick for that from a previous round of vaccinations: blow on the baby's face. It surprises them enough to gasp for air! And then the howling really started...! But he calmed right down as soon as it was all over.

While we were there, Kendra and I got flu shots, too. I was totally impressed with Kendra. That girl didn't even flinch when she got hers. That girl is one tough cookie. Especially when she wants princess stickers!

I also realized-- and this is kind of embarrassing, because it shows how prideful I am-- that I was sort of hoping the doctor would be impressed that I've nursed Ryder for an entire year. But if he was, he didn't let on. Oh, well. That wasn't the reason I was doing it, anyway.

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

His stats are similar to Caleb's from that age, but Caleb's body is finally catching up to his head, so there is hope! ;0) Ryder is such a cutie, I'm glad he survived so many shots. And good for Kendra, that's very impressive!!