Sunday, May 25, 2014

Unintended Consequences, Part II

I know I already spent more time than I should have whining about my allergies here.  But now that they've subsided and I can breathe a little more easily, I have to say one more thing about them (hopefully in a non-whiny way).  While my eyes were itching so badly, I stopped wearing my mascara.  This was no small thing, since-- despite my best efforts-- I'm still pretty much addicted to mascara.  (At least now I can go out in public without it and not apologize for my appearance.  This is progress, believe it or not.)

Anyway, I went two weeks without hardly any mascara at all, scratching my poor eyes so badly they'd turn bloodshot and watery. 

And then I put on mascara anyway, probably for church or something.  And realized that I wasn't scratching my eyes.  Because I knew I couldn't.  Because I didn't want the black smudges all over my face and hands.  But because I wasn't rubbing them, my eyes didn't itch nearly as badly.

Mascara as scratch deterrent-- who knew?

I wonder if it would work on mosquito bites...?

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

Ha ha, that's hilarious. Hooray for mascara? The other day I put mascara on for church, and was getting ready to play violin in Sacrament Meeting. My contact got all mixed up and I had a heck of a time rubbing my eye and trying to get my contact to stop hurting. Luckily I looked in the mirror before I left because I had rubbed all of the mascara off of one eye, but not the other!! Now that would've definitely deserved an apology for my appearance. ;0)