Thursday, April 9, 2020

More Quarantine Stuff

After two weeks of things being mostly shut down, our governor REALLY shut everything else down and then everyone in the neighborhood got a lot more strict about what kids could do.  So my kids have had to play together more than ever before, which is not a terrible thing.  It hasn't always been smooth sailing, of course, but lucky for all of us, I don't usually take pictures when they're fighting, so all I end up remembering are the good times!  Yay for selective memory!

I caught these three all playing legos together like champs!  It made my heart happy:

And as we all know, spring makes me SO HAPPPY.  All these leaves just dumped a TON of pollen into the air so now Colton and I are itching our eyes like crazy.  But I still love it!

Here's Craig bouncing all the kids!  (Only Camille notices that I'm taking pictures!)

Craig and Camille fly her kite

Colton lost a tooth!

Picnic on the (very clean, powerwashed) deck!

Except Colton and Camille decided they'd rather eat in the treehouse!  To which I said, 'Sure, why not?'

And dinner was followed by more trampoline time.  I can't even begin to understand how they can jump on a trampoline after eating, but no one threw up, so I'm not complaining!

And on this morning Colton and Camille surprised me by dressing up as twins!

We biked/scootered/skateboarded the trail at Riverview Park!

Stopping for a break and I finally noticed that Camille was wearing two completely different shoes!

Walking under the freeway overpass behind our house, and here you can see Biscuit Run, the creek that goes behind our house, with Bentley pretending to throw Camille into it and her looking properly nervous!

Craig and I had a sort of double date night (but socially distant) at Riverview Park

Can you tell which bench hasn't gotten powerwashed yet?
And this week Craig started painting!  So we're doing the railing in black (obviously) and then the deck itself will be grey.  And I am already thrilled with how it's looking!
I love this photo-- I love that I framed Craig perfectly in the dogwood blossoms!  But look how hard he's working while I'm just sitting in the shade, occasionally taking his picture!

Life is good!  But the longer this quarantine goes on, the less I seem to get done.  It's like life is slowing down and so am I.  The other day I actually thought to myself, "I need to get the oil changed in the cars.  But I also need to boil eggs for Easter.  I guess the cars can wait until next week when I'm not so busy."  WHAT???  How does boiling eggs count as busy???  But it sort of does feel busy now?  It's weird.  It's all so weird.

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