Monday, April 27, 2020

The New Normal

We're finally settling into a sort of routine here, so that's good!  Every morning we have our Come Follow Me lesson with Craig, then he hides in the basement doing Zoom meetings while I supervise the kids doing their school work.  We call it homeschooling, but since Ryder and Colton's teachers post all their assignments on this great app called Seesaw, it's probably a thousand times easier than actual homeschooling.  It's still a pain for me, but nothing like if I had to build my own curriculum!  Bentley and Kendra are fairly self-sufficient and can usually do their work on their own without much help from me, so that's working well.  Whenever Craig has a break in his meetings, he helps Ryder and Colton with their Spanish homework.  And we give Camille a new letter to practice writing each day and she is embracing this challenge whole-heartedly, so that's fun to watch!

Once the kids are finished, I usually take off and walk the neighborhood for an hour or so.  I call friends and sisters or listen to an audible book (The Happiness Project-- it's had so many great ideas that I ordered a paper copy, too!) while I wander in and out of cul de sacs and up and down hills.  This is the best I've ever been about taking my allergy medication consistently, and it's been a joy to watch all of the trees taking their turns blooming.  First we had the cherry blossoms, then the Eastern redbuds, and then the flowering dogwoods.  It's all been beautiful, and these walks are good for my soul.  Probably my lungs and legs, too.
Here I am setting out on a walk with Craig!
Speaking of flowers, this hardy little chive plant of mine just bloomed!  So cute!  I bought it when we first moved to Charlottesville, so this is probably the longest I've ever kept anything green alive!

Once I'm home I shower off all the pollen and get to work on laundry, dishes and dinner.  By then the kids are out riding bikes with their friends and Craig is painting the deck.  Or jumping on the trampoline with the kids, if they have any say in it!

Can you see Craig's face here?  I love it!  The kids love making us jump on the trampoline with them so they can bounce extra high.  It's finally been long enough since giving birth that I am able to do this again, so that's exciting!

Lunch in the treehouse!
Here we have Ryder using one of those balloons with a string attached so you can punch it really fast.  You know those, right?  I love the juxtaposition of that face with those church clothes.  Will Ryder ever not be hilarious?

Saturdays still feel a *bit* special because there's NO schoolwork and NO Zoom meetings!  That's cause for celebration and/or laziness:
Watching SGN all together late Saturday morning!  Quality family time, right there!

It's not a bad way to live!

Wait a second-- You haven't watched SGN yet???  Have you been under a rock???  Here, let me get you started:

You can find the next episodes on your own now!  (#2 is my favorite, but they're all wonderful!)

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