Sunday, April 26, 2020

Trying New Things

Several months ago I heard a speaker at church talk about learning how to knit.  He said he was surprised that it wasn't actually that hard to do and he enjoyed it.  One of my favorite bloggers has also documented learning to knit extensively.  And then A.C. Moore, which was RIGHT NEXT TO US went out of business and started selling everything at even bigger discounts than before.  I'd mentioned to Craig that I wanted to try knitting and he said, "Well, now is probably the cheapest time to start!"  So I watched a YouTube video on what I needed, and I marched to the store and bought myself some knitting needles and yarn.  And then forgot about them for a few months.

But now that we're all home so much I REALLY felt like I didn't have any excuse not to try.


And true to form, I'm pretty terrible at it.

But that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying it!

I definitely picked a bad yarn for a beginner.  It's so soft and fuzzy (and PURPLE!) and I just love it, but that fuzziness also makes it really hard to see what I'm doing.  That's at least part of the reason why I'm bad at this.

First, you have to cast on to your knitting needle.  I got that down after a few tries, and actually I LOVE casting on!  It's so easy and mindless!  The next part-- you know, the actual knitting part-- is where I'd get all screwed up.  The lady on the video made it look so easy!  But I kept getting it wrong, and the more I watched the video, the more I couldn't even tell what she was doing.  I kept having to unwrap everything (which at least did have the small perk that I could go back to casting on, which was more fun anyway!).  Eventually I just found a different video that was slightly clearer.  Mostly, I just loved how the guy explained, "It won't look like you've done anything, but trust me, it's going to work."

AND HE WAS RIGHT!  It's working!!!

Now I just have to keep doing this about a hundred thousand more times!

Some day this will be a scarf.

Take that, quarantine!

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