Thursday, September 17, 2020

NO Green Thumbs

Remember how a while back Craig was teasing me that my basil plant looked like it wanted to commit suicide?

It now looks like this:

Don't let the better lighting fool you.  This poor plant is at death's door.

I just...  I don't even know what I've done to this poor thing!  I'm sorry, little basil plant, you should have jumped when you had the chance!

Craig took the girls camping at a farm recently and snapped this picture of their basil for me:

It's so beautiful and lush and healthy!

I have basil envy.

On a happier note, my butterfly bush continues to thrive and be extremely popular among its target audience!

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

I’m sorry about your Basil plant, but I’m glad your butterfly plant is so healthy! I’ve never heard of one of those, but it sounds awesome! We’ve loved our hummingbird feeders that keep hummingbirds constantly fluttering around our backyard. 😁