Tuesday, September 1, 2020

More August Pics

These last few weeks of August, we've spent quite a bit of time at the pool enjoying it before it closes and trying to relax (or, um, trying to keep breathing?) before school starts back up again (which should have happened two weeks ago!).

Keegan is very nice about sharing her awesome unicorn floatie

The Young Men finally had an actual in-person activity: shooting!  A good time was had by all, and no one was injured.  (Craig is talking more and more about getting a gun.  I don't think this dissuaded him at all...)  Anyway, pictured here is Bentley with Bishop Morgan helping out.

They built a fort on the stairs (which made it very hard to carry the vacuum past!)

My parents found my old trumpet and my sister mailed it to us because Ryder was dying to play it.  For never having played at all, he's actually not bad!  Now I have to find a teacher for him...

I've been babysitting our neighbor Sydney here.  She looks more like she ought to be Kendra's sister than Camille does...

Seriously, maybe it's just the matching swimsuits and hairstyles, but they look SO MUCH alike!

I took all the kids (+ Sydney) to the skate park for the first time-- it was a little scary for the kids, but they were all super brave and had a great time, despite the insane heat!

Colton concentrates HARD to overcome his concerns!

I tried (mostly unsuccessfully) to read

Nice castle for the My Little Pony here.  (And no, that's not a plank, as Craig suggested!  It's her balcony!  Planks are for pirate ships!)

These two were claiming they were stuck in the moon chair together-- they crack me up!

Craig used this last Saturday to install under-cabinet lighting in the kitchen!


And after:

It's really a LOT more noticeable when you turn them on at night-- it's so lovely!  Also, the process forced him to clean off the counters really well and even clean behind the toaster oven, so that was a sweet added bonus for me!

The last day of August it just POURED all day long.  I normally love days like this, but not so much on my shopping days.  Ugh.  I have gotten really good at backing the van into the garage so at least I can unload groceries without getting soaked.  Anyway, the rain did not keep these three from playing together all day!

School (such as it is) starts in a week!  Eek.  😬


Erin said...

Yeah, the neighbor definitely looks a lot like Kendra - similar facial features? Looks like a fun end to the summer! How do you feel about the possibility of a gun in the house? I'm glad Ryan's never had any interest; they're a no-go just from a mental health/safety perspective in our home (which would totally win out over any interest of his, but it definitely makes it super easy that there's none). My mom grew up with them around because my grandpa went hunting (she grew up eating venison, quail, etc), but I think they also had it drilled into them as kids that they weren't to go anywhere near the guns (despite the fact that they were just stored in a closet, lol - horrifying to me now!).

Juliana said...

I love your yellow dress!

Alanna said...

Erin-- I've never wanted a gun, although I've always been very pro-2A, so I'm kind of weird. I think my Dad had whatever gun the navy had issued him, but it was taken apart and kept in separate pieces in different places in the house and I never once saw it, so I don't *feel* like I grew up in a house with guns, if that makes sense? And I've never wanted a gun mostly because they feel like a HUGE responsibility and I wouldn't own one without taking it very seriously-- safety classes, a gun safe, all that stuff. (Which ends up being pretty expensive!) But with everything going on in the country right now, I can't say that I blame Craig for thinking it might not be a bad idea to be armed...

Juliana-- THANKS!!! ;)