Thursday, September 3, 2020

Rivanna Ward Film Festival

The youth in our ward had an activity where they learned how to edit videos, and then a few weeks later they had a little film festival.  The theme for their films was "Go and do," although not everyone seemed to remember that...  Kendra was supposed to make her video with a boy in the ward (!!!) but then they never managed to do anything, so at the last minute she and Bentley threw this together.  I thought it was pretty cute (despite them portraying me as a mean mom!):


And apparently the last time we went camping, Craig couldn't sleep, so he stayed awake all night dreaming up the film he wanted to make for it.  We had fun filming it together as a family and I think it turned out pretty hilarious!

P.S. I posted this on Facebook, too, and it was really funny to see how many people were like, "Craig is a bishop now...???"  I guess I never mentioned THAT on social media!


)en said...

Um, that was kind of awesome. Totes laughed. Props to all involved! 👏🏼

Patrice said...

Loved the videos! Everything about them!!! Totally impossible to pick a favorite part but if I did, it might be Colton going into the bathroom and the Bishop's reaction!!!!