Thursday, November 12, 2020


Today was supposed to be the first day of actual school for Colton and Camille.  This would be the first time Colton's gotten to go to school since MARCH, and the first day Camille EVER went to school.

So naturally it was canceled due to flooding somewhere in the county.  And, of course, Craig still had to go to work, so I don't even get to enjoy having him home for a change!

I can't even say how frustrating this is getting.  

2020 is slowly crushing my soul.

The only thing that gives me hope is the fact that the Monday-Wednesday kids did get to go to school yesterday.  So maybe we'll get to try again on Tuesday?


On a brighter note, here's a great picture from before the deluge hit:
Raking leaves...  and Camille, too?

1 comment:

Erin said...

Gah! I'm so sorry, how disappointing for everyone! At this point, I don't think we'll get any in person school this year. Here's hoping good vaccine news continues to come.