Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Purple Bowl Saga

Last September they had a Stake Relief Society activity (which got a mention on the old blog at the time because I was singing for it and managed to take a picture of me and Sarah together) and each woman got a cute little ice cream bowl to keep from it.  They had the bowls on the tables as we were sitting down and explained that at the end of the activity we could each choose one to take home.  I was sitting with Megan, and she said, "Oh, I'm going to grab that purple one!" to which I immediately told her that she'd need to fight me for it.  (Purple has been my favorite color for forEVer!)

It was one of those times where you both know that you're half joking?  I mean-- obviously, I wasn't ACTUALLY going to fight her for it.  But I did want it.  And I wanted it enough to say so.  But honestly, now I'd just made it awkward because how do you resolve such a dumb issue without someone not getting what they want?

As the evening wore on, we just kept joking about who would manage to snatch the purple bowl first.  It was fun and no big deal.

And then, as things were wrapping up, the leaders running everything called on an elderly woman sitting at our table to say the closing prayer.  She stood up, grabbed the purple bowl and put it in her spot, and then made her way to the front of the room to pray.

Megan and I just stared at each other, mouths open in shock!  How dare she???  And then we just about died laughing because it really was too funny.  But that was it for our purple bowl.  I got a teal one, Megan chose blue.  And from then on, it became a joke that that rude lady probably saved our friendship because who knows how nasty that fight might have gotten?

So we still laugh about it, even to the point that we told our other friend Megan the whole ridiculous saga.  This Megan told us she actually had two sets of those bowls because they'd been on sale at Costco and she'd thought they were so cute.  In fact, her mother-in-law had gotten them for the Relief Society activity BECAUSE Megan had told her what a great sale it was.

Alas, Megan is now moving to Alabama.  And in order to get ready, she asked for people to come help her pack, which of course I did.  I show up, ready to get to work, and look what she's got out on her dresser!!!

I snapped a picture and texted it to other Megan saying, "It's like she's taunting us!"

But this time the joke was on me, because Megan had left them out so she could give us both a set!  Isn't she an awesome friend???  So we both have our own purple bowls (along with the other colors) and our friendship lives on!

And I really do love my bowls.

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