Monday, August 12, 2024

YMs Camp

As I said, Craig was also at Young Men's Camp in July (or, as they call it, Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Camp!  Because that's not at all a mouthful!)  Some day maybe I'll get Ryder or Craig to tell you more about that, but here are some pictures that Craig took that I like...

The boys all went fishing their first evening at camp

All our YM who attended this year except Wylan, who went missing for this shot...!  l-r: Steve, Joe, Alex, Topher, Calvin, Ben, Sawyer, Daniel, Truman, Cedric, Ryder

Good form, Ryder!

S'more brownies = Happy Ryder

This is Israel and Valerie Hernandez teaching judo to the YM.  True story, they both competed in the Olympics twice in judo!  How cool is that???

Here's Ryder trying to not get... pinned?  Thrown?  I have no idea, I know nothing about judo.  But he looks like he's having fun!

Final morning, and Ryder looks like he's ready to go home.  Truman and Cedric look like they're still having fun, though!

So, yes, there are a few pictures!  I'll have to ask Craig and Ryder if they have more they want to report about from camp, but at least you get the idea here!

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