Friday, September 4, 2009

Book Club

Hey, everyone here who is considering coming to the new, improved and revived Book Club this month: first of all, we'll be meeting September 29th at 10:00am at my house. Second, I just got my own copy of the book we'll be reading, Happiness Is a Serious Problem by Dennis Prager. Give me a couple days to read it, and then if anyone wants to borrow it, just let me know. (They don't have a copy at the library-- sorry about that! I should have checked before I chose the book.)

We'll also be decided how we want to run Book Club-- who wants to host it and what books we want to read and stuff like that. So this meeting is really important if you're even remotely interested. And much as it pains me to say this, even if you haven't read the book (gasp!) you really should try to come.

Having said that, I would like to point out that this is a really great book with astoundingly practical advice on how and why we should go about trying to be happy. (I have to say that just in case you were expecting an "I'm okay, you're okay" cheesy sort of pep talk. Not in this book.) Which is, after all, why I chose it. AND, if for some reason you don't like it then that's all the more reason to come to Book Club. That way you can tell me why you didn't like it, and then choose a better book for next month!

For those of you who live far away and are thus not coming: you could always try to use this as an excuse to visit me! I'd be down with that.


Anna said...

Book club! Last time I went to one I was still pregnant. I call dibs (after whoever else has already called dibs before me, not on here) on the book when you're done. :)

ugkuyg said...

I'd like to borrow it too. But let me know if a lot of people have asked for it, I can just order it off Amazon.

Patrice said...

It's a great book-I'm glad that you are giving other people a chance to hear of it (and read it!). Wish I could make it across the country to be there!!

Natalie R. said...

I was just going to say that Mom loves that book, but she already said it for herself! :0) Maybe after your book club I'll borrow it so I can read it, too.

Tracy said...

I have a 40% coupon for Borders so I will try and get it tomorrow. I can loan it out if anyone wants to borrow it when I'm done.