Friday, September 4, 2009

Pride, and a little digression about the weather

I'm very proud to announce that we now have the screen door up over our sliding door, so we can let in some of this delicious autumn air, but minus the bugs.

It's been weird, because on Monday it suddenly turned into Fall. Did anyone else notice it? The temperature dropped about twenty degrees, the nights got cool, and the cicadas have all but died out. The lighting looks all different, too-- shadowy and pretty through the trees (which are still green, thank goodness!). This weather, for all that it feels cool after a very hot summer, is actually perfect Seattle summer weather, and I really do love it.

But for all its loveliness, I have to admit that there's this part of me that is completely dreading the coming of winter and already wants to crawl into a hole and hibernate until spring. Craig keeps reminding me that (a) autumn is lovely, (b) cold weather is a long way off, and (c) even if winter is coming, that just means Christmas is coming, so I should be excited for it. My brain understands this and even agrees with him. But my gut instinct still tells me to hunker down and just try to survive the cold because there is no point in even pretending to enjoy it. Because honestly, people-- who could possibly enjoy being cold? The only up-side to all this that I can see is that my friend gave me a whole bunch of really big, long, not-itchy sweaters, so maybe I have a prayer of surviving this winter without having to be wrapped in my heavy coat and scarf the entire time. And I'm hoping that new sliding door with do something to improve our insulation so the house will be a bit warmer, too.

And I'm getting on the verge of completely obsessing (about the weather-- can I get any more boring?) so I guess this makes me weird. Or possibly I have Seasonal Affective Disorder...

But I'm going off on a very long and rambling tangent. The point of this post was to brag about the screen door. Because not only is it perfect weather to enjoy it, I'm especially proud of it because I PUT IT UP MYSELF. You read that right-- Craig's school had their open house so he wouldn't be home until nine, and I just couldn't let that perfect day pass me by. So I did it. Myself. Did I mention that I did it myself? This may be a first. And probably a last, so I have to live it up. All by myself! (All my many friends who do home projects themselves all the time are probably think I'm pretty lame by now. I don't really mind.)

Go enjoy this great weather! I'm off to Splashdown for one last weekend of summer...


Juliana said...

I always love your posts, they are so fun! I, personally, AM very impressed about the screen door. Definitely something to be happy with yourself over :) I get excited when I hang picture fames on our apartment wall with a level, while Jeff is assembling furniture and fixing my car. But I still brag more than him :)

And you are right, being cold is the worst.

Andrea said...

Just enjoy this beautiful weather! We could end up having a very mild winter and you would have worried over nothing!!

And think of all of the other home projects you can accomplish...that's why I love winter!!

Anna said...

Totally agree with you on the sudden weather shift. Freaking love it! Oh and congrats on putting up the screen door!

ugkuyg said...

Wow, i'm impressed. And I totally agree, this shift in weather has me dreading winter. I absolutely hate the winters here. I mean, what's more depressing than cold, cloudy, windy weather? For months on end?

Natalie R. said...

Good job getting the screen up, that's a very big job!! And with two kids, nonetheless. :0)

I definitely noticed the weather change - we turned off the A/C and are loving it!!! And I have to admit that I actually love winter. You can put on all your big, bulky clothes and just enjoy it. And scarves, I love wearing scarves!! :0)