Friday, September 11, 2009

Picture Time

It's been way too long since I posted pictures of the kids. And to be perfectly honest, I haven't been very good about even taking pictures this summer (pathetic, I know). But here are a few, at least. Some of them are blurry but I still kind of like them, so you get to see them, too. But I wanted to at least apologize first and reassure you that your eyes aren't going bad...

We got a surprise visit from Favorite Aunt Tracy. Here she is inspiring Kendra to want to play piano!

I love how Kendra's little legs barely go past the piano bench!

Bentley thinks the air mattress is a great new toy.

Kendra takes some time to show Aunt Tracy a little of her new attitude.
(In her case, it may even be appropriate to call it "'tude.")

After Church, Craig teaches Kendra the fine art of giving Daddy a back massage,
and she promptly coerces Bentley into doing the same.
How did I get left out of this loop???

Bentley lines up his stuffed animals and then proceeds to sit with them.

Happy boy!

This is how Kendra proves that she doesn't need a nap. Riiight...

Kendra looks smug as she sits on Bentley's stool.

Up close Kendra's hair makes her look sort of like Yoda...

Kendra wearing my flipflops. That's my little girl!

This was the picture we sent Natalie, along with a ransom note, after we accidently stole Samuel's cars. Unfortunately, we said she had to come visit in order to get the cars back, but by the time she came, we'd already lost them. Oops...


Natalie R. said...

Fun pictures! I love the ones of Kendra looking like Yoda, and how cute that Bentley lined up his animals to sit with them! Samuel keeps talking about eating with his cousins and playing with his cousins and walking with his cousins... You get the idea. ;0)

Jen Evans said...

I love the baby back massagers. I always lay on the floor and have Lizzie and her cousins jump on my back. It is soooo relaxing, and fun for them too. Very cute pictures!

Liz said...

Kendra's yoda hair is totally awesome. :)

Thanks for sharing pix!! :o)