Thursday, September 24, 2009


Have you ever noticed how people (self included) try to take ownership of cool things? Especially if you were one of the earlier ones to recognize its inherent coolness factor-- somehow that makes it more "yours" than the rest of the masses. I was just thinking about that while I emptied the dishwasher, and the more I pondered it, the funnier it got. The best example I can give is how I spent years annoyed at the fact that I knew that the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen was totally cool long before the movie Wayne's World came out. Somehow that meant that I was way cooler than any of my friends who made the discovery after I did. I felt like that song (and all of its coolness) belonged to me, and everyone else was just copying. Of course, the only reason I knew the song at all was because of my oldest (and very cool) sister Leah, so really I was just as much a copycat as the rest of them.

Leah, meanwhile, is the same one who claims ownership of Johnny Depp because she first thought he was cool back when he was in the TV show 21 Jump Street, long before most people had caught on to what a hottie he was. (And still is, for that matter.)

So! What cool thing did you discover long before everyone else recognized its coolness?


Jen Evans said...

Homestarrunner. But it's not cool anymore. And I knew a guy who said he started flip flops in Florida. We all laughed at him.

Craig said...

I actually invented the iPhone long before Apple did. (Much like Al Gore invented the internet.) I had this brilliant idea to combine a PDA, and iPod and a cell phone. I'm glad they took my advice. Now if I could just get my wife to let me buy one...

Natalie R. said...

We (Alanna, Tracy and I) discovered "Swing Kids" before anyone else, and my high school friends and I were at the very beginning of the huge swing trend. We were already dancing in public (well, as public as anything is on Bainbridge) when most people were finding out that people actually danced in the 30s and 40s. Swing heil! ;0)

Anna said...

I discovered that as long as I shunned whatever was currently cool, I was actually being even more cool for doing so. (lol) jk But yeah, I totally get what you're saying. It is pretty silly. :)