Friday, September 18, 2009


I am one of those people who loves a good quote. Just a minute ago, they had a nice one at the top of my gmail page (isn't that fun?), and it got me remembering a quote that I had adored from my Modernism class way back in the day. It took a few minutes of trawling through my old college notes to find it, but here it is:

"The God that inhabits us is nowhere near taking his seventh-day rest;
we have not gotten beyond the very first pages of Genesis." -André Breton

I really do love that. And no, I'm not going to break it down or even try to explain it for you-- come up with your own meaning for it, and I'll enjoy mine!

In the process of looking for that quote, I found a whole bunch of other ones that I had forgotten about, but it turns out that I still love. A lot. I'm tempted to just start writing them all here in list form, but I feel that doing so would cheapen them. Too many great quotes and my eyes glaze over and I lose sight of what any of them are actually saying. So I think I'm going to have to start having more posts that are favorite quotes. Consider yourself warned.

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

Excellent, keep the good quotes coming!! I always enjoy a good quote. :0)