Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Yesterday I was vacuuming underneath high chairs, and since there were big, monster crumbs to be picked up I had taken the attachment off the shop vac, leaving me with a huge gaping hose to attack the mess. And I accidentally vacuumed up a bib.

So now I can't decide if I* should open up the vacuum and try to save that bib, or just count it as a loss.

*And by "I," what I really mean is "Craig."


Patrice said...

Of course, you (uh, Craig) should! Although, it probably will fall on you to make it presentable again!

Andrea said...

And I would say it's a loss. But we always had too many bibs at our place.

Natalie R. said...

I would say it's a loss, but that's just me. Cameron would probably say save it. So I guess you're even at 2 votes for each. What will you/did you do??