Friday, October 16, 2009

So Close, and yet...

*Sorry for all these short little posts all on one day, but I guess I have a lot on my mind. (But not much about any one topic, huh?)

A couple weeks ago, Craig and I finally made that trip out to the dump and got rid of the blue toilet, blue sink, and shower floor pan that had been decorating our backyard. No more looking like trailer trash!

And then.

Some big fat frog decided to die right behind where we park our car. And you guessed it-- I ran over its dead body and now we have flattened, oozing, completely disgusting dead frog all over the road right behind our driveway. So much for getting away from our white trash image. (Sigh.)


Natalie R. said...

Eewww, that's gross!! That doesn't seem like white trash, though, just an accident. And something that can make you VERY grateful for all the rain we've been having!

Rachael said...

I disagree with Natalie, I think that seems very white trash. ;) And disgusting! I let out an audible "ew", forgetting that I'm sitting right next to an open window with neighbors nearby haha!

Mary Gray said...

GROSS! Slimy frog! I hate slimy things! I can't even handle touching our grasshoppers and they're not slimy at all!

Oneup said...

It has long been a dream of mine to turn a bathroom set into planters in my yard. A toilet with daisies in it. Happiness. I hope to someday expand to a washer and dryer, too.