Friday, October 16, 2009


Two weeks ago on Friday we went to the dump.

Last week, we went to IKEA on Friday night.

I guess Craig didn't know how to top those hot dates, so today, he looked out the window and suggested, "You want to go outside and watch my grass grow?"

Ah, love!

I should explain a bit, though: first of all, Craig is NOT growing marijuana. He really is growing normal, old boring grass. He actually has spent a lot of time fertilizing, leveling, liming, and now re-planting our front yard and our neighbors even commented that this is the most grass this yard has ever had.



Natalie R. said...

Ha ha, that's hilarious. First, I never would've thought that Craig might be growing any other kind of grass. Second, Cameron and I spent our evening last night at Walmart. Maybe not the most romantic place ever, but at least it was with him instead of just me and Samuel. ;0)

Tracy said...

Are you sure its not the other kind of grass?

Mary Gray said...

Ha ha ha. Your lawn and mine. But what's crazy is yours is better than ours. Kyle Lee was just over here aerating it today... lawns! I never knew there were so many lame things you have to do for them!

Juliana said...

Haha! I love it! :)

I think my dad defended spending a Saturday WATCHING PAINT DRY to my mom and I once. He went on a pretty good speech about how it was so much more entertaining than it's reputation built it up to be. He then invited us to sit and watch with him. Yuck! (I think my mom and I went shopping instead...)

But you got to go to Ikea! I love Ikea! :) Jeff and I have Econ homework due online every Friday night at 11pm. Yuck! And we still don't have legal internet, yet. This means we're both frantically trying to complete the problems, while waving our laptops by our window, hoping to catch a neighboring signal. More exciting than watching grass grow, but definitely more stressful too!

Oneup said...

1) Going to the dump was one of my weekly highlites when I lived in the middle of nowhere! I'd never even seen a dump prior to that!
2) Try growing grass yourself and you'll see how exciting it is! All I did was spread lots and lots of the cheapest seed possible and make my boys stay off, but there was much rejoicing once those sprouts came up. I'll admit, I did occasionally watch my grass grow. Craig is not crazy! Well, not crazier than I am...