Friday, October 30, 2009


I'll be the first to admit that I am not terribly creative when it comes to Halloween costumes. And while I absolutely love what I ended up doing with Bentley and Kendra's costumes this year, there's a tiny, inside part of me that is cringing because I totally stole the idea from my friend Liza. (Fortunately for me, her blog is private, so I'm assuming that most of you haven't seen it. Why I'm even confessing this is sort of a mystery to me, actually. I guess I just felt like I needed to apologize to Liza somehow. Sorry, Liza!!!)

So, yeah, I'm unoriginal. But do I still get points for executing it well?

For some reason we couldn't get them to smile. Oh, well...

Is it just me, or do they both look like they're ready to bust out some seriously cool dance moves?

Another side note-- Bentley broke his fireman's hat WAY before Halloween. We were going to just buy him a new one on the day of the ward trunk-or-treat, but by then the dollar store already had their Christmas decorations up! Oh, well. He's still pretty cute, I think. Mostly I just like that Kendra, as a dalmatian, goes with the fireman theme (did you notice?). I thought about burning some of my clothes and being a woman who Bentley had rescued (my friend Sarah does awesome make-up, and I think burns are one of her specialties), but in the end I just got too lazy. I did like the smudges I put on Bentley's cheeks-- a nice touch, I thought.

Happy Halloween, everyone!


Patrice said...

I thought they were dancing-they look so so cute!! It took me a minute but I figured out the Dalmation before you mentioned it in the blog!

Mary Gray said...

Ha ha ha. I honestly laughed through my nose looking at your awesome kids. SO cute. I LOVE the "dance" pic. :)

Anna said...

LOL I too like the 'dance' pic. They probably practice when you're not watching. :)

Shaun R. said...

I totally stole somebody else's costume idea from their facebook pictures. But I figured they weren't the first to come up with it either because there were plenty of websites with tips on how to do it so I didn't feel at all bad about it when they gave me the $100 best costume prize at work today. (the costume was a windblown man complete with wire in my tie to make it stand up, leaves and newspapers attached to my body, and an inside out umbrella. Feel free to steal that idea too.)

Bobo said...

SO cute!! I love the idea no matter where it come from! Great job! And yes, I see some serious moves. They will be rock stars! :)

Natalie R. said...

I actually think the first picture is even cuter with them looking all serious. It's like they're both thinking, "Wow, did we really just rush into a burning building to save people?" or something! Super cute. And busting out a move - very impressive. Did they let you in on the dance party??

Liza Jane said...

Copy me all you want! My friend Pam gave me the idea. :)