Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The other day after pushing Bentley on the swings for fifteen minutes, I began to get silly. Rather than pushing him normally, I started pushing his feet or giving him quick pats on his fanny. He finally got annoyed with me and began yelling, "No! You has to push me on my back tummy!"

"Back tummy," huh? I guess that's as good a phrase as any to describe the small of your back. And since growing up as a kid, we were absolutely forbidden to use the word "butt," (actually, I think my Mom still considers that word verboten), this seemed like a good substitute. At least, Craig and I got a kick out of it.


Natalie R. said...

I like that, it's very creative. I think Bentley is going to be a great writer someday. :0)

Juliana said...

How cute! I remember saying "elbow top" in early elementary school and being laughed at. I didn't know what to call the crease inside your arm! :)