Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Failed Anatomy Lessons

I've got two for you:

A few weeks ago I had a day where I felt all gung-ho about potty training. Unfortunately it only lasted that day, and I have yet to feel it again. One of these days it will happen. But on this particular day, I decided to see if Kendra was ready to be potty trained also. Two birds with one stone, right? So I sat her on the toilet. She, remembering my instructions to Bentley to make sure that he was "pointing down," immediately began patting herself, trying to make sure she was aiming properly. I explained to her that she didn't have anything to aim, at which point Bentley (who was standing watching) took note.

"Why she not have that?" he asked, pointing.

"Well, girls don't have that," I answered simply. No need to make this any more complicated than it needed to be, right?

Bentley wasn't buying it. He countered with, "I think some girls have that, Mommy."

Nothing I could say would convince him otherwise. We'll just hope that he figures this one out without too much emotional damage later on...

I've been babysitting for my friend Emily while she goes to her pre-natal check-ups. (Her son, incidentally, is also named Bentley. This sometimes makes it confusing when I'm trying to yell at my own son, and her son will look quite startled about it all.) (And don't get any ideas about what a nice person I am to babysit for my friend; she's paying me.) Whenever I tell my kids that we'll be watching other Bentley and they ask why, I say that his mommy has to go to the doctor because there's a baby in her tummy.

So today at dinner, I told Kendra that I'd made an appointment for her to see the doctor for her two-year-check-up. She immediately began patting her stomach and said, "Because there's a baby in my tummy!" She seemed very proud of herself, but Craig looked a bit ill about the whole thing.

Yeah, let's hope not, huh?


Jen Evans said...

Lizzie thinks my boobs are babies. All the time.

Natalie R. said...

Oh my goodness, both of those stories are hilarious!!! The second one reminds me of a problem one of my friends had. Her 5 year old son was telling his friend something like, "My mommy has a baby in her tummy," and the friend took it to mean that she had EATEN a baby!!! Needless to say, the poor kid was traumatized for a while (but at least my friend didn't have to babysit him for a while, right?). ;0)

Nancy said...

Kids are hilarious.

Craig looking ill reminded me that I read an article about an 11 year old giving birth to a healthy baby. Ahh!!

Patrice said...

You're just beginning the long list of things that the kids won't believe you know. It is so fun to be a grandparent and now be a fount of wisdom. Those were very cute stories!

Liz said...

You are hilarious. :)