Saturday, February 20, 2010


My sister, Tracy, visited us over President's Day weekend, which was awesome! It was great to have the company, great to have the babysitting, and great to enjoy a Weekend of Gluttony, which included polishing off the last of the Chocolate Delight, making bark, AND making sugar cookies!* Wow. I think I gained five pounds. But if that's what it will take to survive this winter, then so be it.

Anyway, Tracy took some pictures while she was here that I'm going to post. Unfortunately, Tracy took all the pictures, which means that she is not actually IN any of them. A definite oversight on my part. Next time she comes, I'll try to do better. (I think I say that every time we have visitors.) But here's what she got:

Kendra didn't want to smile for the camera, so this is her serious face.
Her hair is getting so shaggy, but it's still kind of thin to make a very good ponytail...

Proof that I read to my children!
Apparently Bentley can multi-task, since he's reading a different book to himself while I read to him.

Love those eyes.

The only picture where Bentley is smiling. He'd been hiding in the couch, one of his favorite pastimes.

The best way to get Kendra to smile is to have her yell, "Kendra Lee!"
She's also pleased with herself because she's sitting in The Forbidden Highchair, which is actually Bentley's.

Thanks for coming to see us, Tracy! We love having you here!!! Come back soon!

*After this I resolved to be way more careful about what I eat and cut all the junk food out of my diet. But then my little sister Natalie came to visit and I realized that she had never tried bark (gasp!) so I had to make more for her, too. And then it was Kendra's birthday, so I had to make a cake for her. And now I'm remembering that I have absolutely NO WILL POWER WHATSOEVER. Oh, dear...


Mary Gray said...

Yeah, I'm loving those blue eyes, too.

I wonder if your kiddos will look as much alike when they grow older and if people will ask if they're twins??

Oh, Shalane was willing to switch, btw. Thanks, Alanna! Sorry to be a pain!

Natalie R. said...

Bentley looks so much like Craig in the third picture! I think it's something about his facial expression, it's pretty fun. Those are great pictures, I'm glad Tracy had such a good stay!

And, BTW, I loved the bark, it was delicious!

Tracy said...

Good thing they're not brown eyes...then we would really have to wonder. :)