Sunday, September 23, 2012


Here are some of the questions I've been pondering recently:

-Is this baby a boy or a girl?  My ultrasound isn't until October 15th, so I've got some time on this one.  Craig and I were talking about what we wanted, and we both have such mixed feelings!  I sort of want a girl so Kendra gets a little sister, but at the same time, I know she'll be crazy in love with the baby either way, and I have to admit that I think boys are an awful lot of fun.  At least, pretty much every toy for boys is cooler than any toy for girls.  I would take a lego set over some silly princess thing ANY day.  Girls get so robbed in the toy department!  Anyway, the real truth is that I'm excited for whatever we're having.  And that's a nice feeling!

-Why is it that I always get to the climax of a book at 11 o'clock at night?  Every single time!  You could set a clock by when the heroine of the story comes face to face with the killer!  And then I stay up way too late finishing it.  How does this happen so consistently?

-How many ideas will Bentley have for his Halloween costume before the day actually arrives?  I know some women who actually make their kids' costumes-- these women are awesome.  I'm not really one of them.  At least, not if "making" the costume involves "sewing."  I also know women who are super organized and start on these costumes in, like, August, in order to have everything all ready by October 31st.  I'm also not one of these types.  But in my case, even I could pull that off, there would be no point because I would be five costumes behind what Bentley currently wants.  So I don't feel bad about the procrastination in this case.  (Current idea: R2-D2.  We'll see if this one sticks!)

-How many "trials of labor" do I have to have before doctors will believe that I am capable of giving birth?  You would think that after Kendra's crazy birth and after delivering all 9 lbs 1 ounces of Ryder without drugs, some doctor out there would believe that my uterus works just fine, thank you very much.  Alas, this seems to not be the case.  Anyway, I'm scheduled to have a chat with Kaiser's Head OB/GYN next month so I can try to convince him to allow me to bring this little peanut into the world at a birthing center.  I'm pretty sure his plan is to try and convince me that my uterus will explode, and then I'll bleed out and die in a matter of seconds unless I give birth in a hospital.  I plan to point out to him that, at a risk of 0.38%, my odds of getting in a car crash driving to his office in Tyson's Corner is probably worse.  But I doubt he'll believe me.  So wish me luck and keep me (and him!) in your prayers this month!

-Seriously, why are boy toys so much cooler than girl toys?  I need to invent a super cool toy for girls that doesn't involve princesses, housework, or Bratz dolls.  There's gotta be something out there, right?

-Is it actually possible for my life to get busier?  Not that I think I'm the busiest person in the world or something, but things are definitely more hectic than I like them to be, with me hardly even seeing Craig in the middle of the week.  Whenever I complain about this, someone always has to point out (and I find this terribly unhelpful) that my life is only going to get busier.  Am I supposed to find this comforting?  Is that what you say to someone when they're dissatisfied about something-- "Well, get used to it, 'cuz it's only going to get worse"???  I complained about this to Craig, and we decided that our kids' lives will get busier, and so we'll be running them around places, but this might actually afford me some time between pick-up and drop off to actually get stuff done!  Right now, I go to Young Womens and have to stay there!  When Kendra turns 12, I'll drop her off and go grocery shopping if I feel like it!  So life won't get any worse in the busy-ness department.   ...Right?  Maybe?

-How in the world did I get so many mosquito bites when I was only outside for ten minutes?  Seriously!  They are ALL OVER my legs and ankles.  It's ridiculous.  Stupid sneaky mosquitoes!  I look like I have leprosy!

-Is there any way I can convince Craig to replace our kitchen?  And if I did, how would he find the time to do it?  For reasons that are too gross to be shared on this blog (read: I don't want you to think less of me and jump to the conclusion that I have let myself stoop down to white trash levels), I'm not going to go into the details here.  But I'm pretty sure that our kitchen NEEDS to be replaced.  The sooner the better.  They can find someone else to be the elder's quorum president, right?  But I won't be able to find someone else who works at the same prices as Craig!

-Why do I keep trying to convince Ryder to talk when I spend so much of the rest of my time trying to get Bentley and Kendra to stop talking?  The irony of this just occurred to me.  Talk about never being satisfied!  As of right now, I'm vowing to enjoy Ryder's muteness for as long as it lasts!

I'm sure I've got plenty more in me, but this is a good start.  Any of you have some answers for me???


Erin said...

There are lots of great blogposts/articles out there about why "boy" toys are so much cooler than "girl" toys. :) But once upon a time Legos were *totally* a girl toy: My brother may have "owned" all the legos growing up, but my sister and I played with them all the time (and I'm guessing the reason we never asked for them for gifts was because we already had access to plenty of Legos).

Other great gender-neutral toys - trains, building blocks, marble runs, potato heads, cars/town building toys, dinosaurs. Of course, Gareth always loved the toy strollers and such, so I think a lot of those types of toys are actually more gender-neutral than they're marketed to be. I cannot understand why toys are marketed so differently at such a young age. I guess because they're actually marketing to the adult's pre-conceived notions of gender and gender roles, most of which are dumb and should be changed anyway.

Anne said...

Not answering any of your questions...maybe later, but I love this post!!!

Patrice said...

I can answer one of your questions! You got so many mosquito bites in such a short time are
your mother's daughter!! It's in the genes (or the blood!) Good point about teaching Ryder to talk-isn't that the way with children-we want them to move forward and then complain when they do!!

Vangie said...

No answers here. Just loved the post! I love the insights to your brain.

Natalie R. said...

Samuel keeps changing his mind on his costume, too, but it's mostly between Batman, Buzz and Superman. Luckily we have a Batman mask, a Buzz costume (Cameron found it for clearance before Christmas last year), and a reversible Batman/Superman cape, so I think we'll be okay either way. ;0)

Fun questions, I hope you find some answers! ;0)