Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And Two for Kendra

While I'm telling stories:

-Yesterday, Kendra managed to put her shoes on all by herself. She proudly announced, "Ta da, me!" Now she's saying it any time she manages to do anything on her own.

-Just now, she was sitting in her high chair eating a sandwich with her Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal tucked in beside her. Pooh Bear's chin was resting on her high chair tray. She began insisting that she needed a bowl for her sandwich (rather than the plate it was sitting on). When I asked her why, she said, "So Winnie the Pooh doesn't eat my sandwich." Can't argue with that logic.

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

Those are excellent, what a smart little girl! Whenever Samuel does well at something, he always says, "Tres bien, Samuel!" I'm not sure if he's talking to himself or if he's reminding me to say it, but it's pretty funny either way.