Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stories of Craig

Usually my stories about the kids. But I seem to have a bunch about Craig recently. And, after he told our Sunday School teacher that I'd come to class, as soon as I was "done gossiping in the hall," I don't feel quite so bad about sharing the embarrassing ones, too. (In my defense, I was not gossiping. My friend Sarah had just gotten back from spending three weeks in Hawaii, and like any good friend, I wanted to hear about her vacation. Sheesh!) So indulge me for a bit while I talk about Craig...

-A couple weeks ago, I came home to find Craig hard at work on the rec room. Craig is very patient with my obsessive need to listen to the same music (right now, Glee) over and over, but when I'm gone he's quick to change the playlist. This particular time, he claims he just put the whole library of his iTunes on random, but I'm not so sure. All I know is that when I walked in, Britney Spears was singing away. It was awesome.

-When I have enrichment, Craig will usually clean up the kitchen for me. One time he didn't, and I have to admit that I was a little annoyed to come home to such a mess. A few days later, I tried to complain about this to a friend. She looked at me, narrowed her eyes slightly, and said, "Alanna, I can count on one hand the number of times my husband has cleaned up the kitchen for me." Oh. I shut up really fast. I appreciate Craig more now.

-Craig and I always read scriptures together at night. Sometimes this goes better than other times. One night Craig was particularly sleepy, and in the middle of his verse, his head dropped and he mumbled something about "mountains" and "glorious." I'm still trying to figure that one out. Another time when he was sleepy, we were reading 2 Nephi 8. We'll each read five verses at a time. Every single set of Craig's verses had the phrase, "Awake!" repeated in them. It was almost spooky. I about died laughing.

-Last week we had BLTs for dinner, and then I had to rush out for a meeting. When I came home, Craig had placed the leftover bacon on a plate in the fridge. This was something one of his roommates did when we were dating. The roommate's bacon stayed like that for weeks. It was so gross. Craig did it to remind me of that incident. I was so relieved when I confirmed with him that it was a joke, and he didn't really think this was an acceptable way to put away food. Yes, he was joking, but he's still a nut. (SERIOUSLY-- who leaves bacon sitting on a plate in the fridge for weeks at a time?!?!?!?!)

-One of my many favorite moments from when Craig and I were dating was when we began talking about our mothers. "Just so you know," I informed Craig, "I think my Mom is perfect." "Well, so is mine!" Craig shot back. I knew he was a good guy then. (You raised him right, Donna!)

I'm sure I have more, but this is it for now.

Thanks for keeping me laughing and smiling, Craig! You have a gift for it...


Natalie R. said...

Ha, those are great stories! You guys are so good for each other, and the "awake" story was awesome!

As far as bacon in the fridge, maybe the roommate was using it as potpourri for the fridge???

Oneup said...

I have never managed to have left over bacon from BLTs. How did you do it? And, Oliver refuses to eat any leftovers of any sort or to eat anything from a package that has been open for more than 2 days... I'm working on that because I can't handle throwing away food...