Friday, April 16, 2010

If I make you laugh, will you forgive me for not being original?

I have been feeling less than inspired these last few weeks. Perhaps you've been able to tell. For right now, I'm going to blame it on my allergies. I keep waking up in the night with my nose stuffed up, my throat dry because I've been breathing through my mouth, and my eyes so itchy I can't stop clawing at them. I finally broke down and took some claritin*, but last night, at least, even that didn't seem to help.

So I've had to stop wearing mascara, which makes me feel like I look like a rabbit. A very sad, just-finished-crying rabbit. Which, naturally, made me think of this video from the first episode of Flight of the Conchords:

So that's what I have to say for now. I'm not crying. It's just a little bit of pollen in my eyes.

*Funny thing about me. I love suggesting to other people that they take drugs. I will offer ibuprofen, Tylenol, anything if you even think you might have a headache. But for all my drug pushing tendencies, I really hate taking anything for myself. I'm not really sure why, although I suspect my inability to swallow pills has something to do with it...


Patrice said...

Try natural tears for eye relief-it might help and it won't hurt of doesn't have to be swallowed!!!!!

Anna said...

Hey, I just read your comment on my blog about your lack of a garden -- I TOTALLY have seedlings the *really really* need to be planted; they're getting way to big for their starter box. You can have them ALL, I've already got all I can handle planted. I have tomatoes, squash and zucchini and watermelon. They just need to be put in the ground or in a big enough pot.

Anna said...

Ugh, please disregard my incorrect "to" usage there.

Oneup said...

I HATE taking medicine, too. Always have. I think it's because it mostly makes the problem worse in my body and not better...It's always luck of the draw with me.

Natalie R. said...

I'm so sorry your allergies have been such a pain, but at least it gave you a good excuse to put that video up! That's an awesome song. :0) I hope your eyes get feeling better very soon!!

Jenny said...

OK, I'll be a drug-pusher and suggest Flonase. I started using it a few years ago for allergy related sinus problems and it works wonderfully. You squirt it up your nose, so no swallowing!

Nancy said...

My optometrist told me to use either Opcon A or Naphcon A. Love them.