Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I was making myself a cup of noodle soup this afternoon, when I somehow managed to pour boiling water all over my hand. (Today's tip: don't try to pour hot things while yelling at your three-year-old. It will probably go badly.)

Surprisingly enough, it didn't leave a single mark. No blisters, no reddening of the skin. Nothing. Nothing at all! The only conclusion I can draw from this is that I must have regenerative powers.

I'll begin my life of secretly fighting crime any day now. Probably after I get a cool costume. (No spandex, please. I am pregnant, after all.)

This also explains why, after nearly five years of marriage, Craig's acid hands have yet to hurt me.

It's all beginning to make sense.

It's also a good thing this blog is private. I know I can count on all of you to keep my secret safe.


Natalie R. said...

While it is a good thing your blog is private, I think I might need a little incentive not to share this type of information. What do you have for me? I'll give you 24 hours to think it over... ;0)

I'm glad your hand is okay, that must've hurt pretty bad! One time I managed to splash boiling water on my forehead and got a really ugly blister. Let me tell you, having a bandaid on your forehead makes you feel really cool.

EmmaJ said...

Hey, thanks for letting me in on your secret. I have super powers too, so your secret is safe with me

)en said...

It's your FETUS!!! I'm serious. When I was a couple months pregnant I slipped getting on the train and kicked the corner of it so hard. On the top of my foot--such a weird/painful place, right?

Anyway, it was fine until later after i woke from a nap. I literally couldn't touch it. Forget standing on it. Excruciating. It was INSANE. There was no redness, no mark, not even any swelling, but it hurt like nothing else. Ex-cru-ci-ating.

I woke the next day COMPLETELY HEALED. No pain. Nothing. I'm convinced it was the baby. They give us actual magical powers!

Alanna said...

Natalie: don't worry, with Craig's job as a school teacher, we are ROLLING in the dough. Whatever your demands are, I'm sure we can work something out.

Emma: I tried doing a quick search on your blog to learn of your super powers, but to no avail. I think you'll have to fill me in on this some time!

Jen: I think you may be on to something. Have you ever read Enchantment by Orson Scott Card? In that book, the princess has some magic powers, but when she conceives, her powers become much stronger. It's all beginning to make sense...