Monday, October 4, 2010

The Primary Program Cometh

Yup, among the many things that fall means, one of them is that the Primary Program is coming up. As a sunbeam, Bentley has one sentence he is supposed to say: "I know Jesus Christ is my Savior because he died on the cross and was resurrected."

For FHE last night, we decided to practice this with him. No exaggeration at all-- I read it to him once and the kid had it memorized. He recited it four times for me! Okay, okay, so it wasn't exactly "letter perfect"-- he'd shortened Christ's name to just "Jesus" and changed the last two words to "got resurrected." But still! This is the same kid who STILL regularly forgets six and seven when he counts to ten! I wasn't expecting him to catch onto this so quickly! And just now-- the next morning-- I decided to see if he still remembered it. I didn't even read it to him once-- he got it with absolutely no prompting from me.

Yes, I'm bragging.

And normally I'm totally against bragging about your kids, especially on a blog-- it just seems too cheap and easy, somehow. But this time I have to share. Mostly because I can already tell you that when the actual Primary Program happens (on October 17th, if any local grandparents are interested in attending), I'm pretty sure he'll stand up there looking blankly at all the people in the congregation until his teacher whispers his lines to him, at which point he'll whisper it all into the microphone in a completely inaudible voice. At least, that's how it's always gone down when he's assigned to give a prayer in front of the primary.

So I'm bragging right now while I can. This way, it won't bother me as much when it all goes wrong because some of you in the audience will be able to smile and nod knowingly to me, acknowledging that you know that Bentley had learned his lines. And that will make it all all right.

So thank you in advance for your understanding. Thanks for that knowing smile-- I'm looking forward to it.


Patrice said...

"That's my boy!!!!" (can you remember what movie features that line??) I'm so impressed that Bentley had that memorized so quickly. We sure loved having him tell us scripture stories!

Andrea said...

What I think is even more impressive is that the kids came up with their own parts for the program. I'm sure the Sunbeams had a little help from their teachers!! ;) They're all sharing their testimony of Jesus.

Natalie R. said...

That's awesome, Alanna! Good job to Bentley, that's really great. Maybe he'll know it so well that he won't even get shy and will share it with a strong voice with the whole chapel! :0)