Monday, October 4, 2010

A Time to Whine

I've reached that point. The point in pregnancy where you are just too big to move very easily any more. I'm only at 32 weeks, so I still have a ways to go. This seems almost unbearable when I'm laying on the couch and the phone rings so I have to heave my huge self up and off of the couch to answer it. I clearly need to be more diligent about keeping my phone within arm's reach at all times. I haven't quite achieved planet status yet, but I'm definitely on my way. (I have gotten to the point where everyone thinks I should be due any day now. Ha! Fooled you all! Just you wait and see how big I can get!)

I also woke up the other night when my leg cramped up something awful. I've heard about this happening, but this was my first time actually experiencing it. It hurt so much I actually began whimpering as I frantically tried to flex my calf to uncramp it. Who whimpers without it being a joke??? Anyway, it left me sore enough to barely sleep the rest of the night, and then I was stuck limping all morning until I could finally take a hot shower. Whew. Those of you who suffer these things regularly (I have at least one friend who has mentioned these), I suddenly have a lot more sympathy for you. (Or is that empathy? I can never remember...) It was horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Or at least not anyone I liked...

The other thing of note is that the weather suddenly turned cold yesterday. I've really been hoping that my usual Fear of Cold Weather will take a back burner to this little space heater I carry around in my tummy, but I think I was overly optimistic. Because right now I find myself wearing those crazy warm fuzzy socks and a sweater and I'm still wondering how high I can turn up the thermostat before Craig notices and turns it back down. So Lucky here isn't putting out nearly enough heat. I'm not sure which is harder to deal with: the fact that I don't want to ever get out of bed when it's cold outside (I'm pretty sure that I should be given special permission to hibernate all winter), the fact that Bentley throws a fit every time I tell him he can't wear shorts, or the fact that none of my pants seems to be fitting me quite right and I really just want to wear shorts along with Bentley. Except it's too cold for that.

I really do try to look on the bright side of cold weather! I found a great recipe for potato soup that I've fallen in love with and am craving all the time. (I add salt and velveeta cheese when I make it. Yum. And I'm seriously thinking about getting bread bowls at Panera next time.) We stuffed the inside of our duvet back into its cover and now it's all thick and warm and cozy. Craig is already looking forward to building a fire in the fireplace (in our brand new rec room, which I still love). And he even made hot cocoa for me yesterday.

I tell myself that it's only a couple months of cold and then I'll have this baby and lock myself in the house with a warm blanket and spend a month or so nursing a newborn before I have to start thinking about going outside to do the grocery shopping again.

But deep down, I know that it's still going to be a long, cold winter.

I miss summer already.


Nancy said...

I wish fall lasted forever. I'm one of those people who refuses to turn on the heat, or stop wearing flip flops, because I'm in denial that it's actually cold. And I want to be ready to pull out all the stops when it gets REALLY cold. And there are 3 feet of snow outside (crying).

Nancy said...

Oh, and thanks for reminding me it's soup season. I do love soup season.

Anna said...

I freaking love fall HOWEVER this wet rainy stuff has got to go. Way too cold (and gloomy--show me the golden colors!!) for walks or an *enjoyable* day at a playground...
I haven't had the leg cramps yet ::knocks on wood:: but I have had horrible back pains now and again, especially when I've been on my feet a lot. Ugh. And I have four more weeks to go than you do! Hang in there, Alanna, we'll get through this. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know that I could possibly ever miss summer living in Texas. The weather has been so nice recently. I love it! I do remember that feeling living in Boston though. I hope your baby starts warming you up soon! Mine have all been hot boxes! Including this one. I had the windows open in November in Provo with Kamryn. I think Jason nearly froze. Now I have a fan going almost every night. Normally I'm really cold all the time. Your soup sounds good. I made some last night that was really good too. Eight more weeks, hang in there!

Laresa said...

I've already had to fire up my special blue light to keep the seasonal doldrums at bay.

Anne said...

I always got the "you're ready to pop" comment when I was not even close to pop. LAME! Whatever. Good luck! I can't wait to hear what you have and a name and everything!!!

Natalie R. said...

Well, if it makes you feel better, I had a few neighbors suddenly realize I was pregnant about 3 or 4 weeks before Caleb came. It wasn't because I was so small, either - I just wanted to say, "Why do you think I suddenly gained 40 pounds in the last several months?!!" Sigh...

I'm glad that it's gotten a lot warmer again since you wrote this post. I hope the last week has been more enjoyable for you! :0)