Monday, October 25, 2010

A Tale of Two Faux

I make no claims at being fashionable. On the rare occasion when I actually go clothes shopping, it's usually for maternity clothes. And when that's not the case, I usually end up calling my little sister Rachael and asking for her advice, because I have no clue what's in and what's not. None whatsoever.

So this isn't exactly something I'm losing sleep over. But it's still something of a dilemma. Here goes:

I have two really comfortable maternity skirts that I wear to church. One is black and one is white. I have super cute, church-y shoes that are white, which get compliments every time I wear them with the white skirt. But aren't you sort of not supposed to wear white after Labor Day? How hard and fast is that rule, anyway? The black skirt is fine and comfy and looks reasonably nice, but it leaves me wanting in the shoe department: the black shoes I have that are church-y require nylons, so I've pretty much stopped wearing them. (I'm convinced that nylons were invented by the devil and avoid them at all costs.) So that leaves me with my other shoe option: flipflops. Now-- let me point out that these are fairly nice flipflops. They're from J-Crew and they add an inch to my height. They aren't quite in the same category as Old Navy's $5 flipflops (nothing against Old Navy; I adore their flipflops and own way too many of them). But ever since a certain apostle mentioned that beachwear was not appropriate for church, I've felt guilty wearing the flipflops, even if I wouldn't actually wear this particular pair to the beach.

So which is worse: the black flipflops or wearing white well after Labor Day? Or do I get a pass on all these silly rules because I'm pregnant? (Please, please, please?)

You be the judge.


Jen Evans said...

I'd play the pregnant card. I've never met a pregnant or formerly pregnant apostle who DIDN'T wear flip flops. So there. Double negative.

EmmaJ said...

White after Labor Day is ok if it doesn't look like summer. I say go shoe shopping!

)en said...

Yes, go shoe shopping.


(those are even in the "comfort" category. And, grey is the new black.) --decent heel and VERY cute. love patent.


All of those are in the "comfort" section. Please let me be your personal shopper. I apparently have a shoe thing.

)en said...

ah heck. i thought those would be links. well, copy & paste them if you dare.

Anna said...

Meh. I wouldn't worry so much about the flip flop thing if it weren't getting cold soon and, I imagine, you may want more foot covering then? I'd go shoe shopping, too. White skirts are acceptable b/c who flipping cares! :D If it's all you have and it's clean and you need to get out of the door, the Lord is not going to dock you "fashion points".

Donna Smith said...

From your mother-in-law. First of all, you look adorable no matter what and second of all white should be OK no matter what. Just wear it with confidence and everyone else will think they're wrong for NOT wearing white after labor day. Actually, I don't think that rule applies anymore.
Have a good day. Donna

Alanna said...

Thanks for all the feedback, guys! I feel so justified now! And I love those links, Jen-- especially the last pair. They even come in "wide" so they might fit my double wide feet...! I am sorely tempted...

Natalie R. said...

I was talking to someone the other day who knows a lot more about fashion than me, and she said that no one cares about white after Labor Day, so that shouldn't be a problem. And speaking as someone who can't wear anything but flip-flops the last several weeks of my pregnancies, I wouldn't worry too much about that. I feel it's the whole "ox in the mire" thing. :0)

Natalie R. said...

P.S. Excellent use of French in your title! ;0) Remind me sometime to tell you the story about talking to Mom about "faux cuir" (fake leather)...

Patrice said...

You should look up the October 25th "Pearls Before Swine" comic strip. I think you will find it funny!

Andrea said...

Hey, you used to live in Japan. There don't seem to be too many fashion rules there. Wear white whenever you want. And when your feet are swollen, flip flops seem ok--especially if they are "nice" ones.

But what about your hot green dress. I think you should just stick with that one! And go shoe shopping.

Juliana said...

You are pregnant. AND have kids. You can seriously get away with anything. (Really. I'm jealous.)

I recently fell in love with Famous Footwear. So in captivated that I may blog about it. They have REAL shoes, for cheap. And MOST of them actually look really great? (At least the 2 by me have a lot of same shoes at DSW or, but with WAY less of the awkward ones.) How did I not know about this? I knew you could get cute, cheap, pathetic shoes at Payless, but didn't realize that for only $10 you could get a real shoe. Jeff & I may be getting shoes for Christmas...shhh! :)

And can I vote for the first shoes that your friend linked? My favorite.

I recently bought:

(in black, but I want the red too!) and I love them so much! I think they were MADE for my feet, so comfortable. And they were a brand I have actually heard of (and that real adults wear, for one of the few times in my young adult life I'm wearing a creditable shoe!). I couldn't be happier.

Good luck, Alanna! :)

Rachael said...

As your referenced fashion consultant, I agree with what your friends have said: white is fine after Labor Day, flip-flops are totally acceptable when you're pregnant, and you really should invest in a pair of practical black shoes- they're essential. And I just have to point out that one of your friends referenced your "hot green dress"- aren't you glad I was thinking of you when I picked out my bridesmaid dresses? :) PS One of my favorite memories of Craig is when he was shoe shopping, and you made him call me to get my opinion on the shoes. It was classic!