Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Photo Dump

Here are some of the things we've been up to lately (excluding a visit from my sister this week, which I somehow managed to not take any pictures of at all-- sorry, Tracy! We loved having you, even if we didn't document it!):

Visiting Mount Vernon with my parents

George Washington's view of the Potomac.
It's funny, because he had a quote about Mt. Vernon being the most choice piece of land imaginable, and I didn't really understand why until I saw this view. Ah, yes.

Me and the kids

Craig and the kids

All of us! And we even look pretty good, too! Not bad, for us!

Planting my bulbs (I already blogged about this)

Craig has a new project he's been working on (nothing makes him happier!). Step one was to make this little bench:

Cute, huh?

Steps 2 through 57 should use up all these materials:
Hoo boy... I'll post pictures when it's done. But it should end up looking like this. Fingers crossed.

Bentley has been working on getting stronger. Batman in training, right here.

Having fun with static electricity.

Eating frozen applesauce and pretending it's ice cream.
(Kendra blinked the first time I tried to take this picture, so I took another one, instructing her to keep her eyes open. So she did!)

And going to Kidwell Farm:

And of course, doing a little thumb sucking on the side...

What have you been up to?


Juliana said...

LOVE all the pictures!! Everyone looks great!

And I'm impressed at how almost all your pictures are taken outside! I think it snowed 5/7 days last week and I've been avoiding the outside as much as possible...

I especially loved Kendra pretending that her applesauce was ice cream. Good for her! :) I try to tell myself that the generic sugar-free applesauces that I pack in my lunches are just as sweet and tasty and the cookies/brownies sold on campus... but I still don't look as enthusiastic as Kendra! :)

Good luck to Bentley with his Batman workout and to Craig with steps 2-57!

Andrea said...

So if you one day randomly see the Kunz's in your backyard it's because of that awesome playset. I want it! Too bad we have a backyard that won't let us. :(

Frozen applesauce? Is it good?

Natalie R. said...

Love the pictures, those are so much fun!! I can't wait to see the finished project, and I totally want to go to Mt. Vernon sometime, too!!!

Nancy said...

I can't believe how empty Mt. Vernon looks when you went. I think I went in early Spring last year but it must have been later (and spring break season) because there was an enormous line to get in the house and tour it. So, we still have to go back someday to see that. Did you watch the movie where it snows on you IN the theater?? The kids loved that one.

Nicole said...

1. i like your green coat situation.

2. that static picture is fantastic.

Patrice said...

I loved seeing the Mt. Vernon pictures-always happy to be reminded of our first President-and of your lovely family. Strong man Bentley and static hair Kendra were highlights as was Ryder with his thumb!

Liz said...

Love the pictures and the new "whole family" shot on the page! :) So cute!!

Liz said...

Oh, and if I ever do have kids, maybe you and Craig and the little ones can come visit for a summer so Craig can build us a play-set too??

Seriously -- that is so amazing. I am in awe. :) I want to see pictures when it's done. Do Bentley and Kendra realize how lucky they are?? :)

Rachael said...

I love how chill Ryder always looks. :) And Bentley putting his arms up at Mt. Vernon made me wonder if you'd told him it was an amusement park haha! I hope Kendra keeps letting you do her hair for a long time, it always looks so cute (whether due to static or adorable pig-tails). Thanks for posting so many pictures! Hope Craig enjoys his project!