Saturday, March 30, 2013

But on the other hand...

Despite the whiny-ness of my previous post, I sure am loving our little Colton.   And I'm loving my big kids, too.  To be perfectly honest, it sort of boggles my mind that I have FOUR kids.  When I was a teenager and used to babysit, I would always come home relieved to be done with a job.  It would leave me worrying to my Mom about the fact that I was always so happy to get away from the kids I'd been watching (even kids that I genuinely liked!).  "Mom," I would say, "What if I just don't like kids?"  And she would always reassure me that it would be different some day when they were my kids.   But I still worried.

I shouldn't have.  She was right.  I can never get enough of them...

So here are a bunch more pictures, mostly of Colton.  Enjoy!

Starting to unfurl

My midwife with her latest "catch"!

Getting weighed for his 2-day check-up

Eying Daddy suspiciously during bathtime

Meeting Aunt Natalie

Despite the face Ryder pulls when you tell him to smile, I still totally love this picture

Chilling with Aunt Tracy

I never imagined that I could be so blessed.


Patrice said...

You are, indeed, so blessed! I love the pictures. Love Colton's expression with Natalie and his look of distrust at Daddy during the bath. Ryder has some wonderful looks as does Bentley, but where is Kendra? By the way, of course, Mother knew best!!

Patrice said...

How nice to include Tierney in the post! I like the sweet picture of Kendra holding Colton. What a wonderful family!

Anne said...

Such CUTE pictures!

Natalie R. said...

Those are very fun pictures! I need to stop closing my eyes so much in pictures, but Colton is sure cute!! I agree with Mom that he is giving me a pretty funny look in that pictures - trying to decide if I'm trustworthy or not... ;0) I love all the pictures, he's adorable!!