Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tug of War

I was supposed to meet with both my ob-gyn and my midwife today, but because of the snow, I only made it to the doctor's office, since that appointment was in the morning while the roads were still  relatively clear, and because it's way closer to my house.  After several more inches of wet, clumpy snow fell, I decided that there was no way I was driving to Marshall to see my midwife, and rescheduled for tomorrow.  We tried to talk on the phone, but the phones weren't working very well, either, unfortunately.  Stupid snow.

But here's the ironic thing: they both want to induce me!  My doctor-- big surprise-- is much more insistent.  He thinks I'm a day past my due date (which I'm not.  Without getting too TMI-y here, let me just assure you that I have a better idea of when I'm due than what the ultrasound says, and my due date is still three days away).  The insurance company has a policy that you can't go beyond 41 weeks, or else they induce you.  But because I've had a prior c-section, being induced with pitocin increases my chances of uterine rupture, so that's not an option.  Medically speaking, that means I'm limited to having my membranes stripped, my water broken, or just scheduling a c-section.  (Booooo, hisssssssssss!)

The midwife is a lot more laid back, but she did mention that if possible, it would be nice for her if I had the baby before Saturday.  In her case, she has a conference all day on Saturday, and would prefer to not be checking her phone every fifteen minutes to make sure I haven't been texting her.  But that's no big deal, she assured me-- the life of a midwife means missing out on stuff like that more often than not.  But she said if I wanted, she could instruct me on how to down some castor oil and/or use some herbal something something that will kick labor into gear.

And compared to having another c-section, drinking a little castor oil actually doesn't sound so bad!

In any case, after all this debating with my doctor, he went ahead and checked me and said that I'm already dilated to a four ("a loose four," were his exact words) and 90% effaced.  "You'll have this baby before Monday," he declared.  He also noted that when they were monitoring me (which they did for a half hour, just in case), I'd had contractions about every fifteen minutes.  But I never felt them.  He said if they started coming every 7 to 8 minutes, to go to the hospital (or, ahem, call the midwife).  But how I can do that when I'm not feeling them in the first place???

And really, more to the point: why are we all worrying so much?!

Really, this comes down to Colton: can't you just make this easier on everyone and make your grand appearance already?

Actually, this makes me think of a song...

Oh, how I love you, Baby.  But...

It's time for us to part...


Anne said...

Crazy!! And I don't think I knew his name was Colton! That's super cute!!!

Anna said...

If you're already a 4 and 90% effaced, I'd forgo the castor oil (bleh). It irritates/stimulates your bowels and sometimes can pass that irritation to the uterus, sometimes resulting in contractions but it also can result in vomiting and diarrhea. Exciting he'll (hopefully) be born by Monday!