Monday, March 18, 2013

Lucky #4

Since we keep accidentally calling him Ryder (Ryder II?), I ought to write down some of the things that make Colton unique, even if he is our fourth child.

So, at only five days old, Colton is already the first in our family to be:

-Born on a week day (yay for Wednesday!)
   *Bentley was born on a Sunday, Kendra on the Monday of a 3-day weekend, Ryder on a Sunday

-Born after his due date
    *Bentley 2 days early, Kendra 1 week early, Ryder 4 days early

-Have positive blood type
    *I am Rh negative, so this is the first time I've had to have a second rhogam shot after giving birth!

-Born the same day that I went into labor
    *All the others I labored all day, and then they came the next day!

-Have experienced every season of weather in a 5-day span
    *Truly.  He was born on a gorgeous, warm spring day.  And since then we've had rain and snow.  Crazy March weather! 


This kid is bucking all the rules the others have followed!  He also weighs the most, is nursing the best, and is fortunate enough to have three older siblings who adore him.  Life must be pretty good when you're the fourth kid!

As for myself, I'm in the throes of trying to recover right now.  I felt great the day of his birth, and didn't even need any tylenol or anything that entire day.  But then the next day I made the mistake of visiting my doctor, who insisted on adding some stitches to Tierney's work.  And then I caught a cold (which I'm guessing I picked up at the doctor's), which left me burning and shivering with a fever before settling into my nose so that I simply can't breathe.  And then my milk came in.  Between those three things, I am now a pharmacy on legs-- I can't turn around without needing some antibiotic (for the stitches), or lanolin cream (for the milk), or Kleenex, or Tucks pads (stitches again), or nasal decongestant (stupid cold)...  I'm a mess.  My only consolation is that I'm pretty sure I would have come out of the hospital even worse for wear, so I'm still just counting my blessings that I was able to stay home.

It won't be long before I feel human again, right?  Right?

1 comment:

Anne said...

That is the worst time! I totally remember feeling like I'd never feel human again, feeling like a cow, etc. Every time I feel like it will never get better, but it always does...eventually! At least you have some super cute kids to make up for it! Hang in there!!!