Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dodging Reality

My Mom and Tracy left last week on Tuesday.  Craig was supposed to go back to work the next day, but thanks to a power line that fell down across the road, blocking access to his school, he got one more day off.  So that left me with only Thursday and Friday to survive on my own.  But now it's spring break, so I'm back to living the good life with an extra set of hands helping me out with everything and little-to-no schedule to stick to.

And it's marvelous (despite the lame-o weather).  AND my wonderful ward family has been bringing us meals every other day, so that has made my life fifty times easier.  But I will admit that I'm sort-of-just-a-little-bit terrified for next week when I will have to be a mother to four children most of the day all by myself and somehow have dinner on the table at the end of the day.  It's funny, because I know how to do this.  I know how to feed and change the baby.  I know what to give Ryder for lunch and when he needs to nap.  I know how to get the big kids fed and Bentley's lunch made, and drop him off at school on time.  I can even do all that and turn around and get Kendra to preschool (sometimes even on time!).  I can!  I know how to sneak in and get my shower (or my nap, whichever seems more important at the time).  I know how to get dinner on the table at a reasonable hour.

I'm just not sure how to do all of these things at the same time.  I didn't think it would be any harder than when we added any of the other kids to the mix until it was time to do it, and now it feels very overwhelming.  It all feels overwhelming.  I have to nurse this little guy every three hours?  For a year?  How do I find time to get anything else done in between all those feedings?  (Or rather, is there a good reason to EVER BOTHER GETTING DRESSED in between them all?)  How do I take care of three fairly demanding kids-- who each want to spend their entire waking time chattering away at me-- when I've been up two or three times in the night feeding a baby?  Or, more to the point-- why do these kids insist on talking to me so much when I am clearly so exhausted?

Anyway, these are the issues I'm worrying about right now.  And next week I'll actually tackle them.  I'm hoping that this is one of those situations where the worrying is worse than the doing-- throw me into the deep end, and I'll muddle through just fine.  It's staring at it and contemplating it that makes it seem so impossible.



Patrice said...

You will survive!! As long as you plug along one day at a time, you will get through it all-and will have many great days along the way!

Anne said...

Love this. It's true, it's not that any part of being a mom or being at home is really that difficult...it's trying to do it all at the same time that is insane.

Just remember to do what's most important... Eat, feed the kids, get a nap in... showers can wait. :)

Emily said...

You can do this! Remember the crockpot is your friend! When Khiara was a baby I would fill the pot at night and put it in the fridge, then just have to pull it out and plug it in in the morning.

Natalie R. said...

I'm glad to have the insight of knowing that you've been getting it all taken care of for a few weeks now, and you're doing great!! It's always amazing how we are able to get through the things that scare us the most... :0) Good job, keep up the great work!!